About Us

The team of travel consultants at the Luxury Travel Company are seasoned travellers. With first hand experiences, they can help with any travel plans you have and will give you valuable insight into different travel destinations.




Time in travel industry  Twenty Five years

Travelled to Australia, NZ, Vanuatu, Peru, Argentina, Thailand, Hong Kong, China, Bali, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, UAE, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Zambia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Mauritius, Italy, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, France, U.K, Netherlands, Canada, USA & Hawaii, India, Sabah, Japan, Sweden, Fiji, Maldives

Next destination  France, England, South Africa & Mauritius

Most memorable travel experience Spending a week on the luxury True North with my family out in the Rowley Shoals which has less than 250 visitors every year

Favourite destination South Africa with its magnificent game lodges

Best travel tip Take more money – you will need it!

Worst travel experience Being stuck on a ship off the coast of China in the middle of a typhoon!


Senior Travel Consultant


Time in travel industry  Twenty years

Travelled to Australia, NZ, New Caledonia, Brazil, USA, Canada, Japan, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Malaysia,Singapore, Spain, France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Greece, Mauritius, South Africa.

Next destination   South America, Mexico and the Caribbean

Most memorable travel experience A canoe trip in the Amazon knowing that there were piranha’s in the water below me. Then eating piranha soup for dinner that night!

Favourite destination Greek Islands 

Best travel tip Ask locals for tips on where to eat out or special places to visit in their city. They may share knowledge with you that will create some of the most memorable experiences of your trip.

Worst travel experience Being in NYC for the ‘Great Black Out of 2003’. The power outage was for almost 24 hours and everything affected! Subway trains weren’t operating so transport was limited to millions of people sharing taxis which caused major chaos. Restaurants and tourist attractions were closed and it was a very hot day so we were very thankful when power the finally came back on!


Senior Travel Consultant


Time in travel industry  Thirty years

Travelled to   Australia, New Zealand, Vanuatu, Fiji, New Caledonia, Tahiti, Argentina, USA, Thailand, Singapore, Hong Kong, China, Japan, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Bali, India, UAE, South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, UK, Scotland, Netherlands, France, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Monaco, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Croatia, Slovenia, Greece, Turkey, Norway Denmark and Sweden.

Next destination    Croatia, Romania, Hungary and Turkey

Most memorable travel experience    A family holiday in Chang Mai where we went elephant riding, white water rafting and cycling the countryside all in one day.

Favourite destination   Europe

Best travel tip   A foodie walking tour on your first day in a new city is a great way to orientate yourself and gather great dining tips

Worst travel experience While taking a tour group to China, we discovered one of our members was seated without a seat-belt on the aircraft! We quickly arranged a change of seats


Senior Travel Consultant


Time in travel industry  Ten years

Travelled to    New Zealand, Vanuatu, Fiji, New Caledonia, USA, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia, Bali, Maldives, UK, Netherlands, France, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Austria, Slovakia,Belgium, Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, Croatia, Slovenia, Greece, Morocco, Portugal, Norway and Finland.

Next destination    Vietnam & Cambodia

Most memorable travel experience    Rocky Mountaineer in Gold Leaf, stunning scenery for two days through the mountains seeing local wildlife along the journey

Favourite destination   London

Best travel tip   Bring your travel kit which may include hand sanitizer, toothbrush and moisturisers for long haul flights. Small items that can refresh you after a long journey

Worst travel experience    Train strike in France, being stuck without transport to the next destination.